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AFC Langney
Welcome Pack



1.  Chairperson’s Welcome – Introduction to AFC Langney

2.  Our Mission Statement & Core Values

3.  Club Management Committee

4.  Training

5.  Matches

6.  Club Registration

7.  Subscription / Membership Fees

8.  Football Kits

9.  Health and Safety

10. Sponsorship Opportunities within our club

11. Presentation Evening

12. Fund Raising

13. Member Fines

14. Safeguarding & Reporting Concerns

15. Data Privacy Notice

16. Code of Conduct - Young Players

17. Code of Conduct – Spectators

18. Code of Conduct – Coaches



1. Chairperson’s Welcome - Introduction to AFC Langney Football Club


On behalf of AFC Langney Football Club I would like to welcome you and your child to our club.


We are delighted to be in the role of chair for the second season with this club and extremely excited to see the ambition of the management committee continue to drive this club forward. AFC Langney Football Club provides opportunities for local children to receive coaching by qualified FA coaches who are trained and have been screened for their suitability for working with young people.


We like to think of ourselves as an example of a giving club for children and their grownups in the community, and I strongly believe this was evidenced in our first season over the past twelve months. Giving them an opportunity to build upon their development socially through football. Giving children the opportunity to come together and have fun, to make new friends, be outdoors in all weathers, to be well cared for and kept safe by a team of committed, passionate people kindly giving their time voluntarily in their community.


We are run by a team of people who are giving and kind, who are highly respected, experienced, knowledgeable, and have a wealth of coaching and other relevant qualifications in the grassroots sporting world and who are all committed to ensure children in their community have fun and enjoyment through grassroots football.


The club has already formed great partnerships, both within the local community ward and further afield. Over the coming years we hope to experience many successes and are always looking for new sponsors and partnerships to improve the quality of our delivery offer and create the best possible opportunities for our Children.


The management committee and coaches of this club hope that your child finds great enjoyment of playing football for this club. New players are welcome at all age groups. Please see our website (, Face book Page (AFC Langney) for latest news and information.



Thanks Lee Hall & Gavin Boddy



2. Mission Statement & Core Values


Mission Statement


• To promote and provide playing oppertunities to individuals of all abilities and ages and to enhance the sporting experience of club members.


• The club will foster the growth and development of football in Eastbourne, providing learning opportunities in a safe, equitable and child friendly environment.


• To provide football within Eastbourne by creating an environment where all individuals can play recreationally and competitively whilst maintaining a safe, child friendly and equitable environment.


• To provide opportunities for all players to reach their potential. AFC Langney Football Club is committed to providing the best possible environment for our players to reach their maximum playing potential through excellence in coaching and support.


Core Values


• Accessible

Questions about our club are welcomed


• Accountable

We will be transparent about what, how and why we operate the way we do


• Community

We will support our local community


• Dedication

We expect all members to make a commitment to the club and to its teams


• Enjoyable

Participating should enhance people’s natural enjoyment of sport


• Excellence

We set, work towards, and achieve the highest standards


• Integrity

We act in a fair and consistent and transparent manner


• Professional

Club representatives will conduct themselves in all their dealings in a way that confers and earns respect, and demonstrates integrity


• Respect

Respect your fellow teammates, coaches, and club, and support them to your utmost in your team endeavours. We believe in fair play.


• Service Orientated

Participants should feel that they got the best possible experience and good value for the time and money that they have committed.



3. Club Management Committee


Chairpersons – Lee Hall / Gavin Boddy


Operations Director – Lee Hall


Welfare Officer – Danny Ellul


League Secretary – Gavin Boddy


Fixture Secretary – Hayley Semple



4. Training


All players are expected to attend weekly training session, if you can’t attend a training session please give your coach enough notice as numbers can affect the drills prepared. The sessions run on Tuesday and Thursday’s evenings. Your coach for your age group will confirm locations with you; we will confirm winter training schedules nearer the time.



5. Matches


AFC Langney Football Club plays in the Mid-Sussex, Sunday Sussex and Crowborough Youth Football Leagues. Our home grounds are Gildredge House, St Catherines College and Berwick Playing Fields.


During the months following the end of the season, teams will have the chance to participate in tournaments, friendlies and fun day festivals.


Under 6’s (School Year 1) are not permitted to play in matches until they move up to under 7’s, but will have the opportunity to play in friendly matches after the end of their first football season.



6. Club Registration


All players must register with AFC Langney FC at the beginning of the season. Players must be registered by May 2023 so we can submit league entry for that team. The club registration form can be completed online via the club website your coach can share a link with you. Please also ensure medical forms are returned by the start of the season as well.



7. Subscription / Membership Fees


This will be a subscription to an annual membership to AFC Langney FC.


The annual cost will be £250 for the 24/25 season. We have decided to freeze the price and have tried to keep this as low as possible and have seen other clubs go over the £300 but we are determined to keep it as low as we could.


For £250 you get the following:


  • 2 training sessions a week summer and winter. 

  • Match days.

  • League registered and insured.

  • Presentation.

  • Kits supplied.



8. Football Kits


Football boots, shin pads and other accessories must be supplied by parents and are not the responsibility of the club. Shin pads must be worn by all players in training and during match play.


The Club will work with sponsors to supply all teams with a kit. We would ask for support with sponsorship as this is a really important component in helping keep kit new.


If you know of anyone interested please speak to your coach or Lee / Gavin.



9. Health and Safety


It is important that during training and matches that the player has plenty of fluids – especially in the warmer weather. Sun cream should always be worn during the hot summer weather. Suitable footwear and shin pads must be worn during matches and training. It is the responsibility of the parent to ensure their child has available at all times any inhalers or epi-pens that have been prescribed. Any player not removing jewellery (including necklaces, rings, bracelets, and earrings) will not be allowed onto the field of play. It is the coach’s decision to remove players or suspend play if there are any health and safety issues. Please advise the coach if your child has been suffering with any types of aches and pains before or after the game.



10. Sponsorship and Oppertunities within our Club


Any form of sponsorship is greatly appreciated by our teams. Often sponsorships come from companies where the player’s parents are either employed or own. It is also a great way to advertise and shows support for young people in sport. If you know of, or would like to be a sponsor for the club please contact us for details.


The club is always looking to encourage parents to be part of the Club. Parent helpers are vital to the success of the club, and there are many different roles that could potentially be available. Any parent wishing to become a coach/manager will be supported by the club’s management committee. The minimum coaching requirements are FA’s Safeguarding, First Aid and Leaders Award, as well as undergoing a DBS check, all of which would be funded by the club (terms do apply). Whatever time you can give will be valued greatly. Other roles are available and will be welcomed for discussion, please just get in touch.



11. Presentation Evening


Every year at the end of the football season we hold our annual presentation evening. Our presentation evening is a fantastic event where parents and players can socialise and celebrate both club and individual successes. This is where you see the smiles on the children as they collect their piece of silverware. All players are included and every child receives a trophy for the hard work that they have put in during the season. For the age groups that play in the league there’s also individual awards up for grabs.



12. Fund Raising


The club is always keen to hear from people who have enthusiasm to drive fundraising projects; this does not have to be football based. Quiz Nights, Race Nights, Sponsored Events etc. Please speak to your team coach.



13. Member Fines


If the club receives a fine or charge from any affiliating bodies or outside organisations as a result of the actions of a club member (including any person(s) representing that member), then that member will be held fully responsible and will be expected to cover any costs incurred. The member will be required to cover the total cost plus any administration fees. League fines will be set out each season and published in the league handbook.



14. Safeguarding & Reporting Concerns


At AFC Langney United Football Club, we are dedicated to safeguarding everyone in our club but most importantly the players. We are committed to safeguarding children at all levels of the game. We want people to have a fun, enjoyable and positive experience, and safeguarding is vital to this. All of our coaches and club officials have been DBS checked and are in possession of a valid Safeguarding Scheme ID Badge. In addition to this, all of our coaches have completed the FA Safeguarding Award. Full safeguarding policies and resources are available on our club website. Information on how to report concerns can be found below.



15. Data Privacy Notice


At AFC Langney FC we take your data privacy very seriously. Our Data Privacy Notice sets out how we use and look after the personal information we collect from you. You can view our up to date Data Privacy Policy on our club website. We collect your personal data when you enter your details at time of registration. The only further information we collect is that of attendance and performance. At the end of the season (approx. 11 months after registration) we will delete/destroy your personal data. During registration you would have consented to the use of photography/video. We use photographs for social media posts and for the benefit of our members during club events. If during any point in your membership you have reason to revoke this consent please do not hesitate to get in touch. Further consent during registration is taken for medical treatment. All our teams will have at least one FAW First Aid qualified coach. In the event that a member is to become injured in any way our coaches will always offer first aid. This consent is mandatory for membership as our coaches will act on instinct to provide care for our members and will not have opportunity to check members consent. If you do not wish to consent to this, please speak to club officials before registering.



16. Code of Conduct - Young Players


When playing football, I will:


• Always play to the best of my ability and for the benefit of my team

• Play fairly – I won’t cheat, dive, complain or waste time

• Respect my team-mates, the other team, the referee or my coach/team manager

• Play by the rules, as directed by the referee

• Be gracious in victory and defeat – I will shake hands with the other team and referee at the end of the game

• Listen and respond to what my coach/team manager tells me

• Understand that a coach/team manager has to do what is best for the team and not one individual player

• Talk to someone I trust or the club welfare officer if I’m unhappy about anything at my club


I understand that if I do not follow the Code, any/all of the following actions may be taken by my club, County FA or The FA:


I may:


• Be required to apologise to my team-mates, the other team, referee or team manager

• Receive a formal warning from the coach/team manager or the club committee

• Be dropped or substituted

• Be suspended from training


In addition:


• My club, County FA or The FA may make my parent or carer aware of any infringements of the Code of Conduct

• The FA/County FA could impose a fine and suspension against my club



17. Code of Conduct - Spectators


We all bear a collective responsibility to set a good example and help provide a positive environment in which children can learn and enjoy the game.


Play your part and observe The FA’s Respect Code of Conduct for spectators at all times I will:


• Remember that children play for FUN

• Applaud effort and good play as well as success

• Respect the Referee’s decisions even when you don’t agree with them

• Appreciate good play from whatever team it comes from

• Remain behind the touchline and within the Designated Spectators’ Area (where provided)

• Let the coach do their job and not confuse the players by telling them what to do

• Encourage the players to respect the opposition, referee and match officials

• Support positively. When players make a mistake offer them encouragement not criticism

• Never engage in, or tolerate, offensive, insulting, or abusive language or behaviour


I understand that if I do not follow the Code, any/all of the following actions may be taken by my club, County FA or The FA:


I may be:


• Issued with a verbal warning from a club or league official

• Required to meet with the club, league or CFA Welfare Officer

• Required to meet with the club committee

• Obliged to undertake an FA education course

• Obliged to leave the match venue by the club

• Requested by the club not to attend future games

• Suspended or have my club membership removed


In addition:


• The FA/County FA could impose a fine and/or suspension on the club

• The FA believes that Referees and Assistant Referees should be able to officiate free from the threat of violence or intimidation. Any physical assault on a Match Official will result in a lengthy or permanent exclusion from football and possibly a criminal prosecution



18. Code of Conduct - Coaches


We all bear a collective responsibility to set a good example and help provide a positive environment in which children can learn and enjoy the game. Play your part and observe The FA’s Respect Code of Conduct at all times.


On and off the field, I will:


• Use my position to set a positive example for the young people I am responsible for

• Receive a Ground ban

• Show respect to others involved in the game including match officials, opposition players, coaches, managers, officials and spectators

• Adhere to the laws and spirit of the game

• Promote Fair Play and high standards of behaviour

• Respect the match official’s decision

• Never enter the field of play without the referee’s permission

• Never engage in, or tolerate, offensive, insulting or abusive language or behaviour

• Be gracious in victory and defeat


When working with players, I will:


• Place the well-being, safety and enjoyment of each player above everything, including winning

• Never engage in or tolerate any form of bullying

• Encourage each player to accept responsibility for their own behaviour and performance

• Ensure all activities I organise are appropriate for the players’ ability level, age and maturity

• Co-operate fully with others in football (e.g. officials, doctors, physiotherapists, welfare officers) for each player’s best interests I understand that if I do not follow the Code, any/all of the following actions may be taken by my club, County FA or The FA:


I may be:


• Required to meet with the club, league or County Welfare Officer

• Suspended by the club from attending matches

• Suspended or fined by the County FA

• Required to leave or be sacked by the club


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